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Calm Lake


Don’t let your traditions fade away.  You can leave a legacy to future generations through a gift to the Land & Waters Preservation Trust.

The Trust: About


What Is the Land & Waters Preservation Trust?

The Land & Waters Preservation Trust is an endowment fund of the Initiative Foundation created in partnership with the Whitefish Area Property Owners Association and the Pine River Watershed Alliance. We have a vision to provide a consistent stream of resources to protect and preserve the Whitefish Chain of Lakes and Pine River Watershed, so that future generations can enjoy the rivers, lakes, and woods experience.


What Is the Endowment Fund?

This endowment fund is an investment in the future of our lakes and watershed. It is a permanent, self-sustaining funds that provides support in perpetuity. The endowment’s principal donations are professionally invested, and only a portion of the annual earnings is used to fund critical projects. The fund allows donors to leave a legacy within our waters.


Why Give to the Land & Waters Preservation Trust?

The Land & Waters Preservation Trust was created by and for our local region and is a forever fund that will preserve your land and waters heritage for future generations.


How do I make a donation?

Make donations using the Land & Waters donation form. Click here.

Make checks to Initiative Foundation-LWT and mail the form and check (if applicable) to:
Initiative Foundation, ATTN: Land and Waters Trust
405 First Street
Little Falls, MN 56345.

The Initiative Foundation a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.


How Are Donations Used?

The endowment will fund restoration projects, public education campaigns, and other special project related to surface water, land restoration, and recreation.


On an annual basis, The Land & Waters Preservation Trust Advisory Committee grants funding to applicants to support projects that preserve or improve the water quality and ecosystem of the Pine River Watershed, which includes the Whitefish Chain of Lakes. Grants are made to 501(c)(3) nonprofits, such as WAPOA, PRWA, or local units of government that serve the Pine River Watershed.


Land & Waters accepts and considers funding proposals that fit within the following categories:

• Enhance and protect the surface and aquifer water quality in the Pine River Watershed
• Support sustainable riparian and land management practices
• Protect habitat for native plants and animals


To apply for a grant: Please visit the Pine River Watershed Alliance website and click on Resources & Links to obtain the guideline and application form.

The Trust: Text
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